Barbershop Chronicles

Manolo expressed interest in purchasing a product that helps in maintaining longevity in the bedroom, said he was experiencing a great deal of stress. I explained how the lidocaine desensitizes the head of the penis and prevents ejaculation allowing for a longer duration. Manolo had a great deal of concern given lack of experience with the lidocaine. I explained how you should not exceed three sprays to the head of the penis as well as how extensively lidocaine is used. Manolo purchases the product and asks me to have a seat. He tells me how he has a lover of seven years. It all started lightly, she had a man who got locked up, and they became entangled. Eventually, her man was released from jail although she no longer felt the same about him. Her man learned of her lover and confronted Manolo with a gun. Manolo married his childhood sweetheart, eighteen years strong, and two beautiful kids. Thing is he is desperately in love with his lover. His lover takes care of him in every sense of the word. She is drop-dead gorgeous, as is the wife. Manolo would never leave his wife and family, too much history besides his tribe is important to him. What stresses Manolo is when he has his rendezvous with his lover, the wife is sure to call, and it sends him on a tailspin, affecting his ability to perform, putting a damper on things. He shows me a catalog of photos of his lover. How she chronicles her summer days for him wearing next to nothing and him in great admiration.
Then he shows pictures of his very attractive and sultry shorty (side-chick) with a game only rival to his. Manolo tells’ how he created a fake Instagram profile to spy on his shorty and uncovers shorty has a much older, undesirable man, in the cut. Manolo does not knock shorty’s hustle and understands she belongs to the streets. Deep down he wishes his lover would end things with him, so he can move on and let go although he is certain she will never leave.


I met Dulce while in a hair salon selling Adult Novelty Toys. Dulce requested we go into the back of the salon for greater privacy. As Dulce contemplates which toys resonate most, discloses how her man, a firefighter expressed interest in having a threesome with his colleague. The day, time, and location were confirmed. Dulce and the colleague get it on, the sex was mind-blowing. Feeling she had to downplay her experience for fear of upsetting her lover, she has not managed to get the guy out of her mind unbeknownst to the beau. Then boyfriend requests a threesome with a female, who he has once again selected, Dulce agrees.
Arrangements where made, once Dulce gets a glimpse of the girl, all bets are off. Moving forward, Dulce selected the other woman to her taste.


Preston is a handsome, affable, fiscally savvy, middle-aged divorced father, of two young adult daughters with a live-in girlfriend of many years. The girlfriend is attractive, physically fit, professional, and accomplished in her own right. Preston is seeking the next adrenaline rush. He leads another life in which few are privy. Bunny half his age, a secretary, lives in the suburbs with her parents and never asks for anything. Preston feels young with Bunny, as though age is fleeting. She calls him DADDY, he feels invincible. Preston feels needed, desired, entitled, unencumbered. He is contemplating purchasing an apartment for Bunny although he is wonton he demands loyalty from women. When the ex-wife comes into town there is always a rendezvous. Preston’s appetite is insatiable. He also has an online profile on a dating app. Everyone on the dating app is under strict orders to make contact between 9 am and 5 pm core hours. The online app is where the ménage à trois occur. Preston’s live-in girlfriend has the patience of a saint, and he is very vocal about killing her if she dares ever leave him. Bunny, along with everyone else has unprotected sex with Preston. The thrill, the chase never ceases.